Hi there!
So life kind of got in the way, what with the kids being sick in the first part of December due to colder then average weather (Summer forgot to make a proper appearance), Christmas, for which I handmade nothing but the kids enjoyed none the less, getting a new oven which is exciting as it's been 3 years since we had a working full size one! Washing, Washing. And yes even more washing! The rain keeps coming especially when we have a full line which with 4 children fills up quickly. Most of all just spending time with the kids especially Baby Monkey who has been having a terrible time teething during all this and subsequently meant not a lot of sleep happening.
It doesn't sound like much but it's kept us busy.
Cheeky Monkey and Diva Monkey went back to school last Monday to grade 2 and grade 1. Diva Monkey is slowly making friends (and the mothers in her class this year are far more friendly which is wonderful) and both are already trying to arrange play dates which we'll hopefully start in a couple of weeks, after Parent teacher night and getting to know the parents and kids a little better.. Princess Monkey started Kindergarten, aka Pre-Prep this year, 1 day last week 3 this week then alternating 2 and 3 days a week for the rest of the year. She has met some lovely kids though it seems there is a small communication problem with the teachers in terms of if there has been an incident of some kind I need to ask before I'm told that I hope to address tomorrow. Any tips in approaching them are appreciated I always feel like I'm a kid when talking to teachers.
On the home renovating front. The project we're working on right now is our kitchen. My wonderful husband, King of the Monkeys, has been patiently DIYing it for the last couple of years and putting up with my nagging over lack of space and whatever else I thought our kitchen needed. I wasn't ungrateful for what we had don't get me wrong just more so dreaming out loud and finally we're close to finishing it! So this week he's been adding doors to our wall cabinets, painted the half of the kitchen (*sigh* it's so beautiful and feels much brighter! Love the blue!) that we're putting new cabinets and bench tops and painting the wall tile splash back, he's only undercoat/primer so far but already much improved upon what it started out as! We just need to pick out a range hood and cook top which we're going back and forth a little on the merits of different styles and brands, scrupulously reading reviews both good and bad and . I'm taking photos as we go so I will post them when it's fully finished I may do a work in progress post though.
In other exciting news - King of the Monkeys and I have been married 8 years next Tuesday but as it's a school day they are all having a sleep over with the grandparents on Saturday night and we'll use the time to get the kitchen cabinets installed and King of the Monkeys has promised to make something delicious. I'm a little nervous about Baby Monkey as it's her first sleep over and hasn't spent more than a couple of hours away from me and even then usually with Daddy but we're only 40 minutes away if we're, well I'm needed. At least I can look forward uninterrupted conversation, eating dinner hot and at a normal pace, showering in peace at a more decent hour of the day and a restful night sleep.
Hope you day is sunny, it's raining here, I think maybe I should go splash in some puddles.
Queen of the Monkeys
House of 6 monkeys
We're a family of 6 Monkeys with 1 boy and 3 girls we're trying to renovate our house, craft, DIY and cook up a storm experimenting with gluten free and dairy free recipes and watching life flash by in the blink of an eye. We are also slowly planning our next project of having a sustainable, self sufficient house and land where we hope to grow our own food and live off grid.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Pinning Libraries
Today I'm linking up with Tina Gray (dot) me Ooh! That's Pinteresting and 5 minutes just for me.
I just love reading and when I'm feeling under the weather or it's cold and miserable outside, I want nothing more than to snuggle under a blanket and read a good book. To me it's comforting, so this week I've been pinning Library/bookshelf inspiration. I just love books but I'll do a post on that another day.
We're dreaming about and planning our future house, our forever home we hope, so it's important for me we have dedicated built in storage for books so whilst I dream my husband wonders where exactly we're supposed to put it ;)
So come dream with me...
I like the height of this, that it doesn't take up loads of space
With a beautiful view like this, I'd imagine many a cold winters day spent warming myself in the sun by this window all tucked up with a great book, could you?
I like this and how it's just off the kitchen but I think it needs more colour a little blue perhaps?
Do you think anyone will notice if a bedroom mysteriously disappears and we end up with a library in the corner instead ;) Also love the dark timbers
I love this corner
I love this space and could and would easily fill it.
I love the built in desk idea I'm not too sure about the decorative nicknacks I'd prefer books though perhaps that's my parenting experience with young children which makes me shy away from them most especially Princess Monkey which an incident with a glass vase down far too low which resulted in a scar on my thigh
I love these around the entry way
or maybe something more like this...
This is the best shot I've found so far but I love how the tv space is open but separated by low bookshelves and includes more within the room
I love this though I'd probably incorporate a desk and more storage on the other side
I know our space won't stay as neat as they'll be moved frequently from lots of reading so will end up more like this, I just adore the seat she's standing on as I always just sat where I found a book, I've even been locked inside a couple of book stores due to losing myself in a book ;)
I love the secret room idea
If I could get away with it our book room would look more like this ;)
My dream library from a little girl was from Beauty and the Beast, I loved she read just like me, still do.
What's your dream space?
Queen of the Monkeys
5 minutes for me,
future house.,
ooh that's pinteresting,
Location: Queensland, Australia
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Thankful Thursday - Kisses and Cuddles
Today I'm linking up with kate says stuff and it'll be brief as my older three kids are unwell and I got to sleep after 3am and woken at 6am but I'm thankful for kisses and cuddles and the comfort it brings to them even if it is a cuddle at 2am ;)
What are you thankful for today?
Queen of the Monkeys
What are you thankful for today?
Queen of the Monkeys
Kate says Stuff,
Thankful Thursday
Location: Queensland, Australia
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Wordless Wednesday - Our weekend accom
I'm airing out our weekend accommodation,
Today I'm playing along with My Little Drummer boys and Faith ,Hope and a whole lotta Love
Today I'm playing along with My Little Drummer boys and Faith ,Hope and a whole lotta Love
Wordless Wednesday
Location: Queensland, Australia
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
The reason my crafting isn't done... yet
My husband the ever wonderful King of the Monkeys who until the end of May this year worked away from home his stints away would range from 6-12 weeks with 4 days to 1 week off. And on Friday we got a job offer we couldn't refuse. So I spent most of the weekend with him and the children, Sunday he left at lunch time drove 2.5 hrs with his baby sister to help her pick up a car and he didn't get home until 6pm, yesterday we celebrated Princess Monkeys 4th birthday she got what every 4 year old monkey wants, their very own soft monkey toy ;) and some books.
King of the Monkeys,
working away
Location: Queensland, Australia
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Pinning blue kitchens

Thanks for visiting the House of 6 Monkeys, today I'm joining up with Tina Gray (dot) me's Ooh! That's Pinteresting and 5 minutes for me Pinterest posts and this week it's all about blue kitchens as they make me feel happy possibly because it's kind of how I'm hoping our kitchen will look when we finally get it finished - very pale blue walls, white trim, white cabinets and counter tops we keep going back and forth on but I love me a little Pinterest inspiration ;)
Location: Queensland, Australia
Brisbane QLD, Australia
Saturday, 22 October 2011
What I'm working on this weekend
*** Firstly a disclaimer I have a point and shoot digital camera it's good for what we want it to and someday I'll have a fancy camera and learn how to use it in the mean time you'll have to put up with my photos as I try to keep it personal :) ***
This weekend I'm working on some pink party decorations, mostly the printables I found here, they are perfect for our Princess Monkey who adores pink, so here they are all cut up by my wonderful husband who couldn't sleep the other night yes we do strange things when we cant sleep...
This weekend I'm working on some pink party decorations, mostly the printables I found here, they are perfect for our Princess Monkey who adores pink, so here they are all cut up by my wonderful husband who couldn't sleep the other night yes we do strange things when we cant sleep...
girls birthday,
girls party,
my projects,
party planning
Location: Queensland, Australia
Brisbane QLD, Australia
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