Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Our weekend accom

I'm airing out our weekend accommodation,

Today I'm playing along with My Little Drummer boys and Faith ,Hope and a whole lotta Love


  1. Camping. Yes, I've heard of that... ;)

  2. ;D You really do live in a different climate zone... Would be interesting here to have same accomodation at the moment!

  3. Lol, I'm camping on the Gold Coast in the hinterland (Queensland) this weekend even then it might be cold but we're hoping not. Fingers crossed.

    Last time I went camping was in 1998 so we're doing a test run with taking just the baby and checking out the spot at the same time.

  4. camping used to be a great joy.... many many memories as a child. So much adventure for kids :)

  5. ahhaa I love camping but prefer caravans to tents.

    Hi from Trish MY Little Drummer Boys - Thanks for linking up .

  6. Thanks for stopping by Trish, I've been 'reading' wordless wednesdays by a number of bloggers for a while but never had a photo to post until last week. Oh and I hear you but it's all part of the adventure, even if after this weekend we (read me) decide to never, ever take all the kids camping! In which case, so the tent doesn't go to waste of course, I'll be suggesting boys weekends for my husband and son and perhaps even Daddy takes all the kids for a weekend away leaving mummy at home to luxuriate in a nice quiet bubble bath that isn't at 11pm just so I don't have the baby trying to climb in with me, lol.

  7. Just realised the computer ate my reply to you Tahlia. Yes camping really makes some of the best memories I had as a child and a teenager. Now as an adult purely from comfort whilst sleepin I'd prefer not camping but will suck it up for the kids :)
